Hey, it's Adam...
If you're on this page it means you're interested in Mentorship.
(Or you've somehow gotten lost, but I won't hold that against you...)
I occasionally work with entrepreneurs to help them scale their Online Education Business in a way that aligns with their personal values.
So you can make more, work less, and help more people.
If you're on this page, you're a Coach, Consultant, Expert, Online Educator, Course Creator, Author, or someone that likes to help others.
There's a short application attached to the bottom of this page.
Please fill this out and I will be in contact (either via email or a simple text message... don't worry, I won't call you!)
Disclaimer: 2/3 of people that apply aren't the right fit... and if that's the case, I'll point you in the right direction with someone (or something) that can help.
There is also a significant investment associated.
Chat soon!
- Adam
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