“Your coffee has already been paid for sir,” the man at the drive-through window says with a smile, “have a nice day.”
I knew it… I knew that was going to happen.
This morning I let a car go in front of me in the line at the drive through…
And when I reached the window to pick up my coffee, that car had already paid for it.
I didn’t even get a chance to say thank you!
The Law of Reciprocity in Your Business…
Give, give give, give, give, give, give… get.
Provide value to your prospect first. Then ask them to buy your stuff.
Seems like a pretty simple concept, ya?
Then why do so many 6 figure entrepreneurs screw this up..?
Is it greed?
Or ignorance?
Or impatience?
Here’s the thing…
It takes discipline.
↳ It takes the ability to give without expectation of getting anything in return.
Just like letting the guy go in front of me in the drive through line this morning… I had no expectation of getting anything in return.
Seasoned entrepreneurs know how powerful this can be.
Especially if you’re looking to scale to a cold audience.
It’s the whole idea behind the infamous Lead Magnet…
↳ Give away free stuff that is so helpful and valuable to your prospect, that they can’t help but buy your paid stuff.
Take beloved Costco for example…
Costco's free samples have been shown to increase in-store sales of up to 200%.
Some studies suggest that nearly 60% of shoppers who try a sample end up purchasing the product.
That means that over half of the people who take the sample end up buying the product off the shelf.
That’s an incredible conversion rate to cold traffic.
So, if you’re not already:
What can you give away that solves a pressing problem for your prospect?
The secret is to make it relatively easy to consume (think snacks at Costco) + has a big payoff.
Or, if you’re already offering something of value to your prospects:
What else can you give them to genuinely help them on their journey?
The most successful entrepreneurs I know have nailed this.
And give so much value, that they don’t even need to ask people to buy their stuff, it just kinda happens.
That’s it for today.
And this talk of samples got me a little hungry.
Have a good day.
- Adam
How I Built a $9M
Online Education Business Working 1-3 Hours A Day
This 146 page Case Study shares my personal experience as an Online Basketball Trainer who found a way to help more athletes while creating more freedom, alignment and simplicity in my life.