Q: “How do you know you’re on the right path?”
Have you ever asked yourself this?
(If you’re human, and have a semi-working amygdala, then chances are yes… yes you have…)
But before we dive in… a bit of a warning:
You might not like this answer.
So proceed with caution.
Okay, shall we?
clears throat
Q: “How do you know you’re on the right path?
You don’t.
You don’t know that you’re on the right path.
If you do, you’re probably on someone else’s path.
And their path is not your path.
When you embark on a voyage that is truly radical - the path disappears.
And you begin to create your own.
The question comes from a desire for certainty… wanting to know… craving reassurance...
The question comes from a desire to get rid of the self-doubt inherent in creating a path where there is no path.
And I totally get that.
But what if the self-doubt isn't a bad thing. Or wrong. Or something to get rid of?
What if the self-doubt is actually a sign that you're doing exactly as you should - creating your own path?
Going for the fences here:
What if we normalized feeling self-doubt? And uncertainty?
And instead of seeing it as something wrong, or to be fixed or ‘therapized’, saw it as a real good sign that you’re headed somewhere fun.
I’m sorry if I’m kind of pooh-poohing on the entire self-help industry here…
There’s nothing wrong with feeling self-doubt.
Do you think the Lewis and Clark Expedition felt some self-doubt?
****Mf’ers were probably drowning it.
How about Elon? or Jeffy Bezos? Or Lord Zuck?
You think they’re immune to the old self-doubt bug?
It’s literally part of being human.
Because as far as I can tell...
This thing here? This thing called life?
It’s really just a swan dive into the unknown.
A backwards trust fall into the hopefully waiting arms of the universe.
An all-you-can-eat buffet of uncertainty (with an extra side of uncertainty).
The whole point of this thing is that no one knows how it ends.
How’s that for some uncertainty?
The reason you binge watch that Netflix series is to find out who took the damn cookie from the cookie jar.
The uncertainty is what makes it worth watching.
Same goes for your life.
Forget having to have it all figured out. Or perfect.
Forget comparing your life, or business, or path to any one else’s.
Forget following some dusty old guidebook on “How to Live Yer Life” that fell out of great grandpa Joe’s back pocket...
You know what?
Maybe just… Forget this idea of ‘paths’ altogether.
After all, it’s really just another concept we funny humans created to try and make ourselves feel better about what we’re doing here…
What if you dropped that, and just did what you were interested in? Curious about? What you find energizing and fulfilling?
What if that was your North Star?
How would that feel?
What would you do differently in your business? In your life?
Because at the end of the day, it’s you and you.
Make sure you like the you that you’re spending so much time with.
Hope this helps.
How I Built a $9M
Online Education Business Working 1-3 Hours A Day
This 146 page Case Study shares my personal experience as an Online Basketball Trainer who found a way to help more athletes while creating more freedom, alignment and simplicity in my life.